Filed under : Family Travel, United States

Seniors Enjoy Inland City


Senior travelers find their way to Fresno, California. Seat of Fresno County and the fifth-largest city in California, Fresno is the largest inland city in the state.

The name Fresno means “ash tree” in Spanish, and an ash leaf is featured on the city’s flag. Fresno was born with the establishment of the then Central Pacific Railroad Depot in 1872.

In 1889 Southern Pacific Railroad, which had acquired Central Pacific, constructed a new depot on the original depot site. The brick Queen Anne style depot, a jewel for the city, was open for business for 99 years and is currently one of Fresno’s oldest standing buildings.

 Seniors Head For The Tower District


Fresno’s history dates back to 1885 when the railroad community attracted immigrants from all walks of life. You can learn a little bit about Fresno’s history at places like Kearney Mansion Museum.

This senior would first head for the Tower District, a popular neighborhood District that is centered around the historic Tower Theatre, which is included on the National List of Historic Places. The theater, built in 1939, is the heart of the Tower District.

The District has become a hub for community events such as Jamaica My Weekend, Mardi Gras in February, Car Shows, A Taste of The Tower, Halloween in the Tower, and the Farmer’s Market on the North-West Corner of Olive and Van Ness.


The neighborhood features restaurants, live theater and nightclubs, as well as several independent shops and bookstores, currently operating on or near Olive Avenue, and all within a few hundred feet of each other. Since renewal, the Tower District has become an attractive area for restaurant and other local businesses.

 Seniors Find City Of Many Nationalities

Fresno (“Raisin Capital”), centrally located, is the financial, industrial, trade, and commercial capital in the Central San Joaquin Valley. This dynamic city is the hub of a region rich in heritage, resources, and people.


Being a former language teacher for over 30 years, I found it of interest that Fresno is a unique mixture of more than 80 different nationalities. “The various cultures that make up the community of Fresno are much like mosaic pieces that together make a beautiful picture.”

California State University calls Fresno home. TripAdvisor suggests that senior visitors check out the Forestiere Underground Gardens, a series of underground catacombs specially designed to house exotic plants, shrubs and vines.  

After that, the Shinzen Japanese Garden since I love flowers. Seniors, set your GPS on the Valley and plan to stop by Fresno. You’ll love your stop -jeb

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