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Seniors Enjoy Waxhaw

baI recently read in a local newspaper that Andrew Jackson was born in Waxhaw, North Carolina.  Sounded like a good spot to check out and I was sure right on this one. Waxhaw dates back to 1889 and the local motto reads…”Proud of Our Past..Passionate About Our Future.”  The town website is an excellent means for seniors to explore Waxhaw (pop. 11,300). You can see some great videos of events and highlights of the city. It is an excellent website, and I view dozens of these each  month.


Waxhaw is located in Union County 20 miles south of Charlotte in the historic region called the Waxhaws and named after the indigenous Native American tribe that lived there prior to colonial settlement.

Waxhaw is in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, which is a wooded area with rolling hills. This region is where gold was first discovered in the United States. The Howie Gold Mine is not far from the city limits.

TripAdvisor has their listing of Things to Do in Waxhaw that includes Cane Creek Park, the JAARS Museum of the Alphabet and of course a Museum dedicated to the Waxhaws and Andrew Jackson.

 Seniors Find Possible Birthplace Of Andrew Jackson

Originally called the Wysacky, the community was settled by European-Americans in the mid-eighteenth century. Most settlers were of German and Scots-Irish origin. Settlers became subsistence farmers and were known for being independent.


Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States, was born nearby in 1767. I discovered that there seems to be some disagreement as to which of the Carolinas was his birthplace because of the proximity of the border. I chose Waxhaw, however it looks like I might be wrong…

Tag along on “A Trail of History of Waxhaw” and senior history buffs can learn how it got its fame.

Waxhaw is home JAARS Center, is a non-profit that helps organizations around the world get practical, day-to-day support for Bible translation. Almost 600 people work at the JAARS headquarters as trainers, pilots, software developers, managers, boat captains, and more—people who’ve served all over the world.

 Seniors Enjoy Antiquing In Waxhaw

Waxhaw has evolved as an antique and fine dining center. Its Small Town Main Street committee is working on an integrated approach to developing and marketing the historic center of town. Waxhaw currently has dozens of specialty shops and dining restaurants that tempt the palates of senior visitors.


I know where I would start exploring the town and it would be The Waxhaw Historic District, a national historic district that encompasses over 90 buildings in the central business district.  Take a short visit of Downtown Waxhaw and get a feel for this inviting city.

Seniors, set your GPS for the Piedmont Region of North Carolina and plan to spend some quality time in Waxhaw. The historic district is reason enough for an extended visit, let alone all the scenery, the hospitality of the locals and of course, great North Carolina food.  Enjoy your visit. -jeb

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