Family Vacations at Bargain Prices
Senior citizens looking for a vacation with grandkids or your own kids, family resources are always welcome. One great resource has been Budget Travel. Their site lists ten best family resorts with prices, addresses and phone numbers as well as their bargin priced family vacation options. Another great resource is Adventure Finder, complete with multiple destinations, activities and quick escapes.
Dude Ranches Welcome Families
Bar W Guest Ranch is located near Whitefish, Montana. It’s open year-round and welcomes seniors and their families. Most kids love horses and the ranch has special 3-night packages for families.
Another option is the Malibu Ranch in Milford, Pennsylvania. It’s called the “Best Dude Ranch East of the Mississippi” and it’s only 75 miles from New York City. Reservations and info: (570) 296-7281.
Family Camps Rate High
Montecito Sequoia Lodge is an award winning, all-inclusive lodge located at 7,400 feet in Sequoia National Forest. Things for grandparents and grandkids to do includes taking a hike, fishing, playing tennis, paddling a canoe and dozens of organized activities designed just for kids.
The lodge is surrounded by the grandeur of Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Park, the lodge and small, private lake are set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Great Western Divide and only minutes away from the fabled Giant Sequoia groves.
Put the Kids to Work on a Farm
City kids have little idea of the happenings on a typical farm in America. At East-Hill Farm there are eggs to gather, goats to feed, cows to milk and in the winter ice to skate on. Sounds like fun! Contact the farm at 1-800 242-6495. They cater to Family Farm Vacations as well as senior programs.
On their 150 acres, they raise heritage breed cows, goats, and pigs along with horses, sheep, chickens and other farm animals. Kids enjoy getting acquainted with farm animals in a non-threatening environment. After a week “working” on the farm and caring for animals, most kids come away with a great feeling of accomplishment.
Enjoy thinking about the possibility of vacationing with your grandkids…perhaps some new ideas have sparked here. jeb