Seniors Stop In Richland


Senior travelers will find Richland in the southeastern part of the State of Washington, at the confluence of the Yakima and the Columbia Rivers. The population runs just over 51,000.

In 1904–1905, W.R. Amon and his son Howard purchased 2,300 acres and proposed a town site on the north bank of the Yakima River. Postal authorities approved the designation of this town site as Richland in 1905, naming it for Nelson Rich, a state legislator and land developer.

The city is blessed with a rich history. Richland is getting a facelift one building at a time and from new construction to revamping the old, a rejuvenated downtown Richland is taking shape. “Other cities have inherited decaying downtowns and wondered how to revive them. We’re trying to create one,” said the mayor.


 Senior Oeniphiles Enjoy Washington’s Wines

Among the many things senior visitors can enjoy is the Howard Amon Park with 45.91 acres, located along the Columbia River. The Art in the Park Show is brimming with artist booths and visitors can find one-of-a-kind creations plus home decor, clothing, jewelry, music, and many unique gifts.

The Empress of the North is docked at Howard Amon Park and is ready for senior visitors to board.

American_Empress_at_Howard_Amon_Park,_bowThe Barnard Griffin Winery, founded in 1983 by Rob Griffin and Deborah Barnard, has been producing award-winning wines for over 30 years.

Barnard Griffin is the premier family owned winery, one of the largest and one of the oldest in Washington state. Apple orchards are loaded with Washington’s best all around the Richland area.

The Hanford Reach Interpretive Center, (REACH) was developed to celebrate and learn about the natural and cultural history of the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River and greater Columbia Basin. The REACH is a hybrid institution-part interpretive center, part museum, and part visitor center.

Seniors Attracted To The Columbia River


 Seniors, set your sights on Richland on the beautiful Columbia River and spend a few days just relaxing. The recreational facilities abound so pack a picnic basket and enjoy the air along the river.

The Gold Coast Historic District is highly popular with folks who enjoy a good stroll past classic old homes. Rich in history, produce and wine Richland offers an abundance of activities both indoors and out.  Check out the several winery tours that make this region of Washington unlike any other.


The pleasant weather brings golfers of all skill levels to the fine courses that make golf one of the most popular sports in and around Richland.

Richland is one of three cities in Washington State that make up the Tri-Cities region. For the Beckers, I think my wife and I would enjoy hopping aboard one of the popular river cruises that depart from Richland to explore the rest of the Tri-Cities region. -jeb

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