Seniors Head to the “Friendly Island” of Tonga

The Friendly Islands is actually a series of islands. Over 170 to be precise. More and more seniors are discovering the South Pacific and loving their experience. Let’s start off  with the “Official Site of Tonga Tourism” as it will steer us to the best and most memorable places to see.

Tonga has a very rich history that includes a visit by Captain James Cook. Tonga, the capital of Nuku’alofa (meaning “Land of Love”), was named the “Friendly Islands” by Captain Cook in 1773 because of what he believed to be the locals’ natural hospitality. Read the history of Tonga, however and seniors will discover that the natives actually planned to kill him. Today that hospitality is genuine towards senior visitors who discover the native peoples desire to guarantee enjoyment among its tourists.

Tonga is a constitutional monarchy and a member of the British Commonwealth. Its agrarian economy is developing, and its tourist industry, although limited, is growing. Tourist facilities are concentrated in and around the main island of Tongatapu where the capital, Nuku’aloa, is located. Tourism is expanding to the island of Va’vau. The Tongan Visitor’s Bureau has a wide range of information of interest to travelers. You’ll want to read the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on Tonga for additional information.

The Kingdom of Tonga Intriques Senior Visitors

The homepage of the Tongan Visitor’s Bureau above is fun to explore. I enjoyed exploring the Things to Do portion of the “official” site above. Senior travelers will discover an activity or two that will catch your fancy.  The Kingdom claims to accommodate all budgets and preferences. Sailing, fishing, whale watching, kayaking will take senior citizens around many of the pristine islands, atolls and lagoons. Indeed, there is real adventure in Tonga by immersing yourselves in its untouched rainforests, blue waters, and impressive landscapes. Who knows…maybe, just maybe you’ll have the opportunity to encounter George Tupov V, King of Tonga. If so, greet  him for me.

Getting to the Friendly Islands

You’ll need a passport and most visitors are issued with a Visitor’s Visa, free of charge, for the period of one month from the date of arrival at the airport. You must have sufficient funds to financially maintain yourself while in the Kingdom. I don’t know how they count this, but take enough cash.

I have my preferred sites to help seniors to make good choices and where a fine overview will prove invaluable.  Lonely Planet is one of them. And TripAdvisor is always an excellent resource along with Wikitravel. A new and profitable site is called Traveller’s Point and has good info on Tonga.  I think that as you do your research, you will find good reason explore the islands. Enjoy your planning and enjoy the “Friendly Islands.” jeb



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