Seniors Enjoy Best Climate in the World
The Canary Islands, also known as the Canaries, are a Spanish archipelago located just off the NW coast of mainland Africa, 100 km west of the border between Morocco and the Western Sahara. There are seven different and unique islands, ideal for disconnecting from routine, recharging your senior batteries and going back home with a revitalized body and mind.
Visitors will find all kinds of open-air activities together with a wide range of accommodations and leisure activities that make most visitors wanting to return again and again. The Islands are volcanic and they are very Spanish, so that’s the language there.
Senior visitors can enjoy exciting city life in the island, especially in its capital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. It is said that this city has one of the best climates in the world, a cosmopolitan and dynamic center, where you will find everything you can imagine. And senior visitors will enjoy a certain calm and peaceful atmosphere on the archipelago’s beaches.
Seniors Enjoy Natural Attractions
Climate and important natural attractions, especially Maspalomas in Gran Canaria, Teide National Park and Mount Teide (the third tallest volcano in the world measured from its base on the ocean floor), make it a major tourist destination with over 12 million visitors each year.
Gran Canaria is large with nearly 850,000 inhabitants. The capital, Las Palmas (375,000+ inhabitants), is the most populous city and shares the status of capital of the Canaries with Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The attractive archipelago offers unique landscape with the green hills, wild cliffs, sandy beaches, desert, and lots of palm and olive trees.
Canines? We know what they are. The name Islas Canarias is likely derived from the Latin name Canariae Insulae, meaning “Island of the Dogs”, a name applied originally only to Gran Canaria. So it has nothing to do with those little yellow birds. Another speculation is that the so-called dogs were actually a species of Monk Seals (canis marinus or “sea dog” was a Latin term for ‘sea.’ So take your pick. I’m always interested in how sites got their names and there are very interesting stories behind most.
Seniors Enjoy Year-Round Fresh Air
Among the cities, along the beach, or off the beaten path, senior travelers will find many choices for Canary Island lodging. Grand hotels, luxury resorts, international hotels, charming bungalows, spacious villas, apartment rentals, and bed-and-breakfast inns providing overnight accommodations and island hospitality to visitors from around the world.
For generations, seniors have flocked to enjoy Canary Island for relaxing vacations. Thanks to the mild year-round climate, fresh air, mineral-rich waters, and abundance of sunshine, the islands are an ideal setting to relax your cares away, no matter what the forecast is at home. And senior hikers, bring along a good pair of boots because walking in the Canaries is about discovering super scenery around every corner.
What’s not to enjoy about the Canaries! jeb