Filed under : Editors Choice, United States

Seniors, Time To Rate Your State


If this senior was to select the top state for quality of life I just might start off with my birth state of Iowa.  Great place to raise a family and its very low key. CNBC did not even chose Iowa in their top picks. Guess they have not spent much time there yet!

Of course I must admit my bias, my wife and I raised three super children in Iowa. We just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary and the first 45 were in the Hawkeye State.

Seniors, Let Me Challenge You To Pick Five

Can you write down five top states for quality of life right now as we speak… five. Only five. How did you do?  Did you choose your own state like I did?  I have a trivia question, this “triviaholic” enjoys small facts. Which of the 50 states is the most visited? It’s Hawaii. Among the most visited of the 50 states, there is no shortage of attractions way out there in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


CNBC writes that “The Aloha State offers nearly every type of climate known to man, so unless you crave polar conditions, you’re in luck. This is a healthy state, with low instances of cancer and heart disease and few residents without health insurance.

Hawaii’s top-ranked quality of life for a second straight year makes it easy to forget about the state’s dismal overall ranking.” So guess where my wife and I went for our 50th. Right on and Aloha and Mahalo too.

#2 Vermont – #3 Minnesota (or as I call it Minnsnowda). I can say that since I lived there for three years and even had a cabin way up north.  #4 Nebraska – #5 Maine that tied with North Dakota. I don’t know why but from here CNBC with from #10 on down to #6. #10 was Washington State followed by #9 New Hampshire and #8 Oregon.  Great choices. #7 – Guess.  It’s was South Dakota the “Mount Rushmore State”.


Seniors Always Enjoy Photos

The Evergreen State, The Granite State, The Beaver State. Insidently (I misspelled that word) S. Dakota was rated as America’s Top State for Business overall and is also no slouch when it comes to Quality of Life.

Now we’re taking a jeb ‘rabbit trail’. Don’t make fun of me on that word, ‘insidently, just check these all out for yourself… they are a little tough at times. Here you’ll find the 100 words most commonly misspelled (‘misspell’ is one of them).

I’d suggest that you Google…incidently ‘to GOOGLE’ is a verb… each of the states above.  Type in: STATE tourism or STATE Best Sites and seniors, you’ll have fun reading about each.  

I’ve  enjoyed coffee with you this morning…see you tomorrow.   jeb



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