Christmas Island Is Real For Seniors

53d9d1786dec627b149d7c3d_4-christmas-island Senor travelers, Christmas Island might sound like a made-up name, but it’s actually a far-away island northwest of Australia that is famed for an incredible annual red crab migration.

Named in 1643 for the day of its discovery, Christmas Island was annexed and settlement was begun by the UK in 1888 followed by phosphate mining that began in the 1890s. The UK transferred sovereignty to Australia in 1958. Pour yourself a fresh cup of coffee and let’s head off for Christmas Island.

Almost two-thirds of the island has been declared a national park and it’s full of natural attractions. The Island is located about 1,600 miles north of Perth, Australia and 300 miles south of Java, Indonesia.5902980-3x2-940x627

Seniors Fall In Love With This Jewel

Christmas Island is called a Natural Wonder and is known as a “Jewel in the Indian Ocean.”  Senior tourists enjoy watching the annual parade of millions of the brightest red critters on earth as they swarm the beaches to mate and spawn.

The crabs  seem to be everywhere. The migration usually occurs at the beginning of the wet season, in November, December, depending on the whims of nature. It is estimated that 40 – 50 million of these bright red land crabs live in their preferred shady sites all over the island. Crabs aside, there is a plethora of things to see and do on the island.


Seniors, if you made a list of exotic islands that you wanted to visit, Christmas Island would probably be near the bottom of your list. That is if you’d even heard of it to put it on your list in the first place.

Christmas Island? It sounds made up—like the kind of magical land dreamed into existence just to host a Disney park. But that’s far from the truth. In fact, Christmas Island is real and 63 percent of the Island is a national park which makes for great for hiking.

Seniors Find Beautiful Coral and Abundant Marine Life


Senior visitors enjoy snorkeling or diving in the Christmas Island Marine Park, which boasts unspoiled coral and abundant marine wildlife.

Phosphate mining was the the reason for the first settlement in the 19th century and remains a major contributor to the local economy. Scenery abounds in all directions of Christmas Island and it is a haven for a relaxing get-away for folks of all ages.

Me, I’d want to tour the island on a rental scooter, said to be the best and most cost efficient way to get around the island. The Christmas Island Tourist Association provides information for senior visitors looking for restaurants and attractions. The Visitor Information Centre features a video viewing room where you can enjoy watching some of the many fascinating documentaries produced about Christmas Island.

So visit with your travel agent and make plans for an adventure to an Awesome Island that will leave you with many pleasant memories. -jeb

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