Seniors Like The Self-Care Idea
Seniors, have you ever heard of a “Self-Care” vacation? Me either. So let’s find out what it is like to take one. “Self-care is a very active and powerful choice to engage in the activities that are required to gain or maintain an optimal level of overall health. And in this case, overall health includes not just the physical, but the psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual components of an individual’s well-being.”
In theory self-care is simple; it’s about taking care of yourself and being intentional about ensuring your well-being. However, it’s not nearly as easy to put into practice. According to Oneika The Traveller , for a woman, a solo vacation is the best one you can give yourself.
Seniors Read The 10 Commandments of Self-Care
Betty W. Williiams, Ph.D. in Psychology…“Vacations are intended to be a time for self-care, not just a time to pack up and head to the beach. While vacations may actually be fun and relaxing, the reverse is often too true, and the longed-for escape turns into extra expenses and stress.”
Valerie Burton offers The 10 Commandments of Self-Care . This is a lifestyle not just a vacation suggestion and good for men as well as women, seniors as well as juniors.
Miriam Geiser, travel consultant with KK Travels Worldwide has planned self care getaways for clients and herself. “A self-care vacation is about slowing down and nurturing yourself so you feel truly mentally and physically rested at the end.”
Hearing the sound of crashing waves or chirping birds and insects, taking in a beautiful vista on a pristine lake, smelling the flowers of a tropical garden or feeling the warmth of the sunshine on your skin stimulate the senses in a positive way and take you away from the hubbub of your daily life.
Seniors Drawn To Nature
Some of the self-care vacation ideas that caught this senior’s attention include Digital Detox, Painting, Nature and Cooking. Letting Mother Nature help with my attempt to give way to a relaxing vacation tops my list.
“While there’s no denying the value of the creations of humankind—our architecture and art— the natural world has a splendor unmatched by any building, city, or painting.
Anyone who has taken a walk through, say, an autumn forest, the leaves gently floating, the air crisp and dry and crackling with energy, can tell you the effects of nature on mind, body, and spirit. In a word, it’s freedom.”
Frank Lloyd Wright once said “Love Nature, Stay with Nature, The Closest One Will Ever Come To Knowing God, is Knowing Nature.” Einstein agreed: “Look closely into Nature and then you will understand everything better.”
Seniors, let’s consider our next vacation to be of the Self-Care variety. Sound right? It makes good sense to me. -jeb