Search Results for Category: Middle East


Seniors Who Stay Serious About Learning and Travel

I’ve always had a serious and curious nature, especially about exploring the globe. That’s why I liked the title of this program I discovered that caters to senior citizens who love to continue learning and travel. Senior citizens are invited to “ Stay Curious ” and to investigate one of the many programs that go all over the world and explore a wide variety of topics.

Caters to Senior Travel

“Stay Curious” caters to adult travel, senior travel. Senior citizen travel has become more exciting today than ever before. These senior travel programs offer some of the most unique and interesting programs where traveling and learning abroad give singles and couples a new perspective of the world and culture. How? For instance, by learning a language in the country where you are traveling.

I was especially drawn to that program, being a former teacher of French for 38 years. “Stay Curious” tours allow seniors to enjoy the country you are visiting as a native. If you’’re a senior citizen, couple, or a single traveling abroad, here’ are some examples of things you can do. Looks to me like, “you name what you want to see and do” and Stay Curious can help you find it.

Learner and Traveler

Study Spanish in the Galapagos , French while learning about wine in Bordeaux or Italian while learning about art history in Italy . Their Language Liaison looked very interesting and well done. “Stay Curious” is found in over 35 countries offering 22 languages and dozens of activities.  Perhaps you would enjoy a stay with a host family as I did in Cuernavaca.  Perhaps you would prefer a hotel, an apartment or  a residence for a week stay or for a month. I liked that too.

Navigate through the links on this page via a Site Map to find out more about cultural education, language learning concept, adult traveling, and language schools. Also, senior learners will find more information about history, cuisines, customs, business news and other activities in different countries.

If you have grandchildren, Global Teen just might be a program that you would suggest to them as the world is just waiting to be explored.

I think that you will find this site so full of excitement and possibilities that you will want to spend time “surfing,” especially in the Activities portion. I know that I did. The countries portion was pretty cool too.  So go exploring this Sunday and by all means, “Stay Curious”. jeb


Masada is Popular Senior Visitor Site

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Masada (Hebrew for fortress) is the most popular senior tourist attraction in Israel. Tourism in Israel is one of the country’s major sources of income, with over 3 million tourists annually. Israel offers a plethora of historical and religious sites, beach resorts, archaeological tourism , heritage tourism and ecotourism .

Israel has 6 world heritage sites and a tentative list of 19 that are awaiting approval. In 2009, the two most visited sites were the Western Wall and the grave of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai; the most popular paid tourist attraction is Masada . My mother and father-in law visited Masada and it was one of their most memorable visits in Israel .

A Rugged Fortress

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Masada is a rugged natural fortress, of majestic beauty, in t he Judaean Desert overlooking the Dead Sea. It is a symbol of the ancient kingdom of Israel, its violent destruction and the last stand of Jewish patriots in the face of the Roman army, in 73 A.D.

It was built as a palace complex , in the classic style of the early Roman Empire, by Herod the Great, King of Judaea, (reigned 37 – 4 B.C.). The camps, fortifications and attack ramp that encircle the monument constitute the most complete Roman siege works surviving to the present day.

Masada was Herod ‘s royal citadel and later the last outpost of Zealots during the Jewish Revolt . The citadel was a site of the most dramatic and symbolic act in Jewish history, where rebels chose mass suicide rather than submit to Roman capture. Today it is where every single new Israeli soldier, man and woman alike, is sworn into the army.

Seniors Visit a Palace High On a Cliff Image 17

The cliffs on the east edge of Masada are about 1,300 feet high and the cliffs on the west are about 300 feet high; the natural approaches to the cliff top are very difficult.

Masada is an archaeological site of great significance. The remains of Herod’s palaces are outstanding and very intact examples of this type of architecture, while the untouched siege works are the finest and most complete anywhere in the Roman world.

Masada remained untouched for more than thirteen centuries. The buildings and other evidence of human settlement gradually collapsed and were covered over until they were revealed in the 1960s.

Senior visitors take a cable car to the summit of this dramatically located site to enjoy the great natural beauty overlooking the Dead Sea . On any visit to Israel, seniors will want to include Masada into their itinerary. jeb

Filed under : Adventure Travel , Middle East

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