Search Results for Category: Central America


Seniors Find Burlington/Skagit County Scenic

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Burlington is a city in Skagit County, Washington with a population around 8,500. Dotted with hundreds of lakes and blessed with millions of acres of forest land, Skagit County has something for every senior sportsperson : fishing, hunting, hiking, camping, rock-hounding and even paragliding.

Originally, Burlington’s businesses were centered around Fairhaven Avenue. Today, Fairhaven Avenue is the center of Burlington’s old downtown, and provides a gathering place for the whole city during the annual summer Berry Dairy Days.

Fishing is a top attraction. “As one of the longest rivers on the West Coast, the Skagit River meanders from its headwaters high in Canada 150 miles to its delta just southwest of the world-famous tulip fields of the Skagit Valley.


Seniors Awed By The North Cascades

“In less than 35 minutes you can be in mountains, taking in the beautiful North Cascades. The North Cascades National Park Complex spans the Cascade Crest from the temperate rainforest of the wet west-side to the dry ponderosa pine ecosystem of the east.”

Burlington began as a logging camp, established by John P. Millett and William McKay, in 1882. It was officially incorporated on June 16, 1902. Today Burlington is locally famous for its proliferation of shopping malls and for having some of the best youth sports fields in Washington.


A short 35 minute drive from Burlington west on Highway 20 will bring you to scenic, historic and unforgettable Deception Pass State Park, a 4,134-acre marine and camping park with 77,000 feet of saltwater shoreline as well as 33,900 feet of freshwater shoreline on four lakes.

Senior Hiking/Biking Paradise

Seniors can enjoy a stop at the Trainwreck Bar and a visit to the Sakuma Brothers Farm. Then there’s Orca whale watching, white water rafting and kayaking through Deception Pass. Senior hikers and bikers can enjoy bicycling through the Valley or hiking one of the many trails in the national parks and forests. The views will take your breath away.


Senior visitors will love the Skagit Valley . The Skagit River system is home to many year-round resident Bald Eagles but each winter their numbers increase dramatically with the return of spawning salmon. In all, five different species of salmon return to the Skagit River to spawn, then die along the shores of the river. With such an abundance of food during these circle-of-life phenomena, eagles have found the Skagit to be an excellent fishing spot.

Then there’s Skagit Speedway, the premier motorsports facility in the northwest United States. Each year hundreds of thousands of fans of fixed-wing dirt track racing flock to the Speedway to enjoy an evening of exciting fun.

Hiking trails abound in the region and vary widely as far as difficulty. Senior hikers, try the flat Cascade Trail that follows an abandoned railroad line. So what are you waiting for senior travelers? Burlington sounds like a great destination area. -jeb


Seniors Get Good and Wet on Roatán Island


This one just popped up in my Smithsonian Magazine this morning and I want to share Roatán Island with you senior bucketeers. So get your coffee, get comfortable and lets head off to the island that lies 30 miles off the north coast of Honduras.

It is suggested that if senior adventurers wanted to get good and wet, they can check out the Roatán Institute of Deepsea Exploration.

RIDE is a Honduras-based group that offers folks an opportunity to dive 2,000 feet below the surface of the Caribbean in Isabel , the submarine. Interested?

The Cayman Trench is the deepest part of the Caribbean and you are guaranteed to see sea lilies, glass sponges, pompom anemones and lots of lace coral. If that does not trip your trigger, let’s go and check out the island for a wide variety of excitement.


Seniors Find Vacation Paradise

Roatán and the Bay Islands are a Caribbean vacation paradise, home to pristine white sandy beaches, amazing tropical jungle-covered hills, a diverse and unique reef system, heartwarming people, unique cultures and authentic Caribbean charm.

Roatán, often called the Caribbean’s best-kept secret, is the largest of Honduras’ Bay Islands. Throughout European colonial times, the Bay of Honduras attracted an array of individual settlers, pirates, traders and military forces.


It is approximately 77 kilometers long, and less than 8 kilometers across at its widest point. Ok, I’ll give it to you… 48 miles long and 5 miles wide. TripAdvisor suggests senior visitors start with Little French Key and then bend over to West Bay Beach.

Seniors Find Eco-Tourism Destination

The most populous town of the island is Coxen Hole, the capital of Roatán. Located near the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, the largest barrier reef in the Caribbean Sea (second largest worldwide after Australia’s Great Barrier Reef).


Roatán has become an important cruise ship, scuba diving and eco-tourism destination in Honduras. While tourism is its most important economic sector, fishing is also an important source of income for the locals.

The Caracol People are an English-speaking group who have been established in Northern Honduras (specifically, the Bay Islands) since the early 19th century. They are chiefly of European and British-Afro-Caribbean descent.

Reef systems are very delicate and have experienced massive damage and degradation worldwide. At t he Roatán Marine Park you can rent snorkel equipment and get up close to some beautiful marine life.

Enjoy your time in Roatán. - jeb


Seniors Enjoy The “Rich Coast”


Costa Rica, the “Rich Coast” … in Central America has unlimited tourist potential and is ranked as one of the most visited international destinations. Senior travelers find Costa Rica bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the south, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the east.


One of Costa Rica’s main sources of income is tourism. The country is a democratic and peaceful destination. It has not had an army since 1949. Although the country is small and it covers only 0.03 % of the surface of the globe, 25.58 % of the country is composed of conservation and natural protected territory.

Costa Rica’s biodiversity could fill an entire continent, encompassing 12 distinct ecological zones. Nature lovers on a vacation can explore 26 national parks and protected lands. Costa Rica’s premier eco-tourism destination for visitors flourishes with primitive ferns and has more kinds of plants, birds and butterflies than all Europe.

Senior Visitors Might See Sloths, Monkeys And Toucans


A keen senior eye will discern a sloth hanging on a branch, howler monkeys high up in the trees and a wide variety of other bird species including colorful toucans. It has been stated that Costa Rica may contain as much as 6% of the world’s plant and animal species in an area the size of the states of Vermont and New Hampshire combined.

The Ticos, as the natives are called, like to note that their nation is the exception in Latin America, where military dictatorships have long dominated politics. Rough Guides has a nice listing of destinations not to be missed within Costa Rica.

One of the “biggies” is Arenal Volcano, one of the Western Hemisphere’s most active volcanoes. Arenal’s upper slopes are periodically doused in flows of red-hot lava. No matter how far off the beaten path senior visitors may choose to go, it’s hard to not be at the center of Costa Rica’s premier ecological and geological features.


Turtle Watching, Bird Watching and Wildlife Spotting

Turtle watchers may be fortunate to view some of the thousands of turtles – leatherbacks, hawksbill, olive ridleys and greens – that come ashore to lay their eggs each year, and, if you’re lucky, glimpse the babies hatch and return to the sea.

For us seniors who enjoy wildlife, the biologically rich coastal rainforest is one of Costa Rica’s finest destinations for walking and wildlife-spotting.


Costa Ric a’s fascinating ecological story is woven into the history of a peaceful and family-oriented culture. I think that you will love Costa Rica. And oh yes, bring along rain gear. A nice umbrella as well since it rains year round in Costa Rica.

December through April are generally considered the dry season. Lonely Planet notes that…“all trails seem to lead to waterfalls, misty crater lakes or jungle-fringed, deserted beaches.”

I could not find just one UTube to share today, so I give you a plethora of choices to explore . -jeb


Seniors Go Dutch in Oranjestad

images Oranjestad (Dutch, literally “Orange Town” ) is the capital and largest city of Aruba . Senior visitors will find Oranjestad on the southern coast near the western end of the island country.

In the local language, Papiamento, Oranjestad is often referred to simply as “Playa”. It is small town of around 1,000 and the capital of the island of Aruba. Senior visitors will find the town loaded with bright pastel colors on many old buildings in Dutch Colonial style.

All of Aruba, called “ One Happy Island ,” has much to offer visitors of all ages.  “Orange City” was named after King Willem van Oranje-Nassau, who was the first heir to the Dutch Royal House of Orange.

Butterflies And Coconuts Await Senior Visitors

The historic harbor and is divided into two sections, Lower Town and Upper Town. Fort Orange is the principal tourist attraction in town, dating back to the 17th century. TripAdvisor finds 28 things to see and do for first timers on the island.

The Butterfly Farm is a major draw for seniors like the Beckers, who love butterflies. You’ll see  butterflies in all stages of development, from larva to adults flying overhead, with species from around the world. When you have had your time at the Butterfly Farm, head for the Aruba Ostrich Farm with a flock of 80 birds.

Senior visitors will not want to miss Alto Vista Chapel. And senior divers can enjoy the dive site of  an old German warship called The Antilla.

Seniors Enjoy Shopping, Beaching and Birding

Many cruise ships stop at this fine destination for shopping, with Dutch cheese one of the specialities. For those who enjoy picking up some good Vitamin D, head for Arachi Beach where you will walk on very fine soft, sand and enjoy ideal sea conditions.

The early history of Oranjestad is highlighted at the Archeological Museum of Aruba and the Aruba Historical Museum. For birders, the Bubali Bird Sanctuary is a lush site, ideal for viewing many island species.

Arikok National Park is said to be Aruba’s ecological treasure. Along with a wide range of exotic cactus and bright and colorful island flowers, you will see a divi-divi tree.

Deep Sea Fishing is popular along with Jeep safari tours, mountain bike tours, snorkeling, tennis, windsurfing and kitesurfing, sailing trips, and scuba diving. The diving is well known for several awesome shipwrecks and neat coral formations. Ever done a Segway tour?  You can try one on this island.  Glide along and take in the many panoramic views.

Enjoy your island visit. -jeb

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