Seniors Visit the “Crossroads of the Americas”

Seniors travelers are always looking for great travel ideas and here is one that will captivate you. Panama.  You certainly will not feel alone, Panama boasts a large expat community; about 25,000 U.S. citizens live in the country.

There are several recommended places to visit that include Colon, David, Pedasi, El Valle de Anton, Bocas, Boquete, Isla Colon, Isla Bastimentos and Santa Catalina. TripAdvisor gives information on each site and they offer lots of other helpful information on Panama.

I know of several seniors who have been to Panama on a cruise and that includes my father and mother-in-law. They spoke highly of their trip. U.S. citizens traveling by air, road, or sea must present a valid passport when entering or departing Panama. U.S. citizens departing or re-entering the United States must likewise present a valid passport.

Senior Travel to Panama is Easy and Popular

The ease of travel and wide array of experiences make Panama one of the most attractive emerging tourism destinations in the world. In just one week, senior visitors can enjoy two different oceans, experience the mountains and rainforest, learn about native cultures and take advantage of vibrant urban life.

The capital, Panama City, is a modern, sophisticated metropolis that resembles Miami and has established commerce, arts, fashion and dining. It is Central America’s capital of international finance, called by locals the “Dubai of the Americas,” and is in the midst of a prolonged boomtown fever.

Fodors, Frommers and National Geographic have all recently begun publishing guides for Panama, only the second country in Central America, behind Costa Rica, to have such extensive travel coverage. So how are you going to get there? Panama’s excellent location, in the center of the Americas, contributes to the availability of a wide range of options to reach Panama. From any city in North or South America, you can arrive at Panama in just a few hours. Additionally, there are many airlines to choose from for the trip to Panama. Similarly, from Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world’s continents, it is extremely easy to connect to Panama.

I love Wikitravel, a site that puts everything in order with super information as well suggestions for senior travelers. The NY Times has a differing opinion on where to go and what to see and they think that Bocas del Toro, Boquete (see above), Isla Contadora, Panama City and the San Blas Islands are the majors for you to consider.

USA Today provides some great ideas on keeping safe and how to make your trip a memorable one. Enjoy Panama. jeb



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